homemade vanilla peanut butter

Homemade Vanilla Peanut Butter

Wondering how do you make homemade peanut butter? Well, we have good news for you. You can now make peanut butter easily at home with simple steps. Dr Vanilla brings you the ultimate peanut butter and honey recipe.


1 1/2 cups dry roasted peanuts
1 1/2 tablespoons canola oil
1 tsp Dr Vanilla Vanilla Extract
1/4 cup honey


Add peanuts to a food processor or grinder and blend until a thick nut batter forms, 5-7 minutes.
Stream in oil and vanilla with the processor on, continuing to run it until the mixture is smooth around 5minutes.
You can add more oil if needed, just do it in small increments.
Turn off processor, add honey, and turn processor back on. Blend until smooth.
Keep at room temperature for a week, or if keeping longer, refrigerate in a sealable container.


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