Arugula tomato egg salad

Alcohol Free Natural Vanilla from Dr Vanilla adds great punch to this simple spring salad. A soft boiled egg adds much needed protein and richness.

Arugula tomato egg salad with vanilla olive oil lime dressing


  • 1 cup organic baby arugula 
  • 4 grape tomatoes cut into halves
  • 1 boiled egg sliced into quarters
  • 1 table spoon olive oil
  • Juice from 1 medium lime
  • 2/3 table spoon Alcohol free Dr.Vanilla 
  • Tiny bit of salt


In an 8 ounce bottle, add the following

  1. One table spoon of olive oil 
  2. Squeezed juice from one medium lime
  3. 2/3 table spoon of alcohol free Dr. Vanilla 
  4. Tiny bit of salt


  1. Place a cup of baby arugula in a plate
  2. Place the grape tomato halves on top of arugula
  3. Place boiled egg quarters along four corners of the plate
  4. Add the dressing (see above) on top of the salad

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